This battery holder can hold 6 AA battery which can make 7.2 V rechargeable battery pack from NiMH / NiCd cells or 9V battery pack from alkaline cells.

It comes with a DC2.1 Powerjack which can plug to Arduino directly.

Battery Quantity: 6
Battery type: AA
Storage temperature: 25°C (77F, Room temperature)
Max Operate temperature: 80°C (176F)
9V zu Hohlstecker Adapter
9V zu Hohlstecker Adapter

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EXP tech from 1: 2.800€


Anschluss: 5.5x2.1mm Hohlstecker


Best Price 2.8 €
Best Bulk Price 2.8 €
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0 Projects use this part.
Created: 2013-07-17 22:19:19
Last Update: 2013-10-20 10:27:20


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