4x13x5 mm
Tiny Flex Extruder

#11 - Tiny Flex Extruder

This is a very simple Direct-Drive Extruder for 1.75mm Filament optimized for Flexible Filaments and easy Filament change. Other required parts: Merlin Hotend: http://reprap.org/wiki/Merlin_Hotend Drive Gear 8mm OD 13mm length: http://reprapteile.de/mechanisch/direct-drive-geraendelter-pulley-drive-gear.html Nema 17 Motor 624 Bearing 2x M3x12 1x M3x25 1x M4x10 1x Spring 7mm OD 30mm length 40x40mm Fan (sleeve bearing recommended) Screws for the fan Printed Parts can be found on thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:615465/#files

von tkramm
am 12.01.2015
BB One

#12 - BB One

The Big Brother of the Tiny 3D Printer + ca 30€ Fräser, Alu, POM + Versand

von tkramm
am 20.01.2015
Supplier Prices Link
Kugellager-Panta from 1: 1.980€
from 10: 0.990€
from 20: 0.890€
from 50: 0.800€
ReprapWorld.com from 1: 0.300€


Außendurchmesser: 13mm
Breite: 5mm
Innendurchmesser: 4mm


Best Price 0.3 €
Best Bulk Price 0.3 €
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2 Projects use this part.
Created: 2013-01-27 22:57:54
Last Update: 2019-11-05 12:20:35



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