Strong glue able to withstand higher temperatures.

* 100% New Heatsink plaster.

* Application: apply to all heatsinkf no fixed clip thermal paste. Idea for MOSFET Heatsink?High power LED,VGA CARD Northbridge Southbridge Heatsink.

* Features: thermal properties, strong adhesion

* Melting capacity: 0 (200 ? / 24Hours)

* Evaporation: 0.001% (200 ? / 24Hours)

* Thermal conductivity:> 1.2W/m-K

* Thermal Impedance: <0.06

* Clotting time: 3min (25 ?)

* Strength of connected buildings: 25Kg

* Insulation coefficient> 5.1

* Dissipation coefficient <0.005
* Temperature resistance: 200 ?


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Supplier Prices Link from 1: 4.830€
from 1: 4.830€


Best Price 4.83 €
Best Bulk Price 4.83 €
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0 Projects use this part.
Created: 2013-03-28 18:40:42
Last Update: 2013-10-20 13:58:38


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