
Displaying 1-10 of 20 results.
ID: 1
Name: 434MHz Web Bridge
Description: This project is a combination of an Arduino, an Electric Imp and a 434MHz RF-Link, to allow you to control remote power sockets via webhooks.
Created: 2013-07-11 17:13:21
Updated: 2016-04-19 14:45:26
Created User: 1
ID: 2
Name: 434MHz Web Bridge Small / Low Budget
Description: This project is a combination of an Arduino, an Electric Imp and a 434MHz RF-Link, to allow you to control remote power sockets via webhooks.
Created: 2013-07-12 11:59:23
Updated: 2016-04-19 14:45:13
Created User: 1
ID: 3
Name: 433MHz PIR
Description: 433MHz PIR
Created: 2013-07-17 17:18:23
Updated: 2013-07-17 17:23:40
Created User: 1
ID: 4
Name: Web Thermodrucker
Description: Dieses Projekt macht einen Thermodrucker über einen Electric Imp im Web verfügbar
Created: 2013-07-19 10:19:06
Updated: 2016-04-19 14:45:03
Created User: 1
ID: 5
Name: 3D Scan Table
Description: Alu Rohmaterial 3x 120mm x 60mm x 5mm 1x 100mm x 60mm x 5mm 2x 80mm x 40mm x 5mm
Created: 2013-08-12 13:53:07
Updated: 2013-10-12 22:58:15
Created User: 1
ID: 6
Name: 3D Scan Tisch
Description: 3D Scan Tisch
Created: 2013-08-21 08:53:47
Updated: 2013-08-21 08:57:37
Created User: 1
ID: 7
Name: Wechselstrom Messwandler Vorschaltung
Description: Vorschaltung um einen Wechselstrom Messwandler an einem Arduino zu verwenden.
Created: 2013-10-27 20:42:48
Updated: 2013-10-27 20:47:06
Created User: 1
ID: 8
Name: Funkrolladen Web Bridge
Description: Folgt
Created: 2014-06-06 15:17:26
Updated: 2014-06-06 15:17:28
Created User: 1
ID: 9
Name: Tiny 3D Drucker
Description: Kleiner 3D Drucker mit Fokus auf kleine Abmessungen, Verwindungsteifigkeit und Genauigkeit. 20mmx20mm Profil: 4x 200mm 2x 160mm 2x 30mm 20mmx40mm Profil: 3x 200mm 2x 300mm DrylinW Doppelschiene: X-Achse: 250mm Y-Achse: 200mm
Created: 2014-08-12 17:39:45
Updated: 2014-12-22 12:21:50
Created User: 1
ID: 10
Name: Hackerspace FFM Vereinsdrucker
Description: Nähere Details unter:
Created: 2015-01-11 19:04:21
Updated: 2015-01-13 00:44:09
Created User: 2312

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